Our lives are so busy at times that it can be all too easy to focus only on the negative and tiring things that have happened during the week. To counteract this, every week I join the #HappyDaysLinky run by the lovely Katy (whatkatysaid.com) and Sian (quitefranklyshesaid.com) to reflect on all the moments of the past week that have made me happy.
This has been a another super-busy week, but also pretty productive for once.
- I set up my first ever media kit. I was terrified of doing this as I’m still relatively new and don’t have the greatest stats yet, but it made me feel super professional and excited.
- I set up my email list, yay! You can sign up below 😉
- Despite only getting some new clothes in December, L has had a growth spurt and was in need of new tops and trousers. As luck would have it while we were doing the weekly shop we spotted that Tesco had loads of gorgeous outfits in. L had great fun picking almost everything off the rails, although she was very definite if I picked something up she didn’t like, she certainly knows what she likes!
- If you read Mondays post you’ll know that our word to live by this week was Dance, so we have had LOTS of dance parties all week. If you need some inspiration I wrote another post with 10 feel good songs to get you dancing.
- L let me tie her hair up for the first time ever and she was so proud of it she showed everyone we walked past on the school run. It makes her look so much older though so I’m not sure I like it 🙁
- I have had such a good response to my dance posts this week which have all made me happy, but to top it off the lovely Karen from Two Tiny Hands asked if she could link to my post in her Happy Days post this week! She’s had a great week, you can check it out here: Happy Days 42 Zoo, Puddles and Awards.
How about you? What has made you happy this week?