Our lives are so busy at times that it can be all too easy to focus only on the negative and tiring things that have happened during the week. To counteract this, every week I join the #HappyDaysLinky run by the lovely Katy (whatkatysaid.com) and Sian (quitefranklyshesaid.com) to reflect on all the moments of the past week that have made me happy.
This has been the Hubby’s first full week back at home so obviously we are all having a very happy week, but here are the highlights:
- Saturday we had a nice relaxing day at home and watched far too many movies.
- On Sunday we headed out to Hamsterley Forrest for a couple of hours. It was extremely muddy which L thought was fantastic and had great fun jumping in muddy puddles. A lot of the parks have been altered and a new one added since we were last there so there was more to explore. We had to strip L off before we could get her in the car though and it was straight to the bath when we got in. You may have guessed as much if you saw my Sunday photo below.
- M had an eye appointment on Monday and for the first time they didn’t need to use eye drops (huge relief as he really hates them) and his eye sight has even improved slightly. Needless to say he was one very happy boy.
- On Wednesday the lovely Louise from Little Hearts, Big Love featured my Words To Live By series as part of her #withkindnessandlove series which is part of her #365daysofkindeness project. It’s a great series sharing stories of kindness and things that have made her smile during the week, go check it out.
- On Thursday we met up with some family for a meal (poor M missed out as it was during the day while he was at school). We always used to be able to take M anywhere when he was little and not have to worry but L is a different matter entirely and have to make sure the place is pretty kid friendly first as she’s not great at sitting still or being quiet. Usually by the end of the meal we are rushing to get out because we can see that she is getting bored and about 10sec away from a meltdown. Amazingly she was good as gold and made friends with a few other kids. We treated her to some mini dunking donuts and they barely touched the sides. She then decided she’d dunk her finger in the remaining chocolate sauce, can’t say I blame her.
- The fantastic Katie from Mummy In A Tutu picked my Be The Person You Want To Become post as her favourite post from the previous week’s #ablogginggoodtime linky.
- L has always been a bit of a messy eater, as most toddler’s are, and I’ve shared pictures before of the state she gets in eating yogurt. Yesterday I took my eyes of her for two minutes and she took it to a whole new level, deciding she’d rather eat her yoghurt with her hands than use a spoon. It may have been a mammoth clean up including an outfit change but it did make me laugh. Not sure how much actually went in her mouth though.
- Hubby unexpectedly sent for me a soak in the bath while he looked after the kids and made a start on tea (I know, he’s amazing). I can’t remember the last time I had a long soak and it was bliss.
We’re planning another trip to Hamsterley Forrest this afternoon then to the opticians tomorrow to get M some new glasses.
How about you, what has made you happy this week? And what do you have planned for the weekend?