I can’t believe Burnished Chaos is six months old today! In one sense the past six months have flown by in a flash, but then at the same time, I have come so far in the last six months that it almost feels like a life time ago.
In honour of the special occassion I thought I would do a quick recap of what I have learnt along the way and what I have achieved so far.
What I have Learnt
- Blogging is all encompassing and will take over every area of your life. It’s a fine balancing act if you want to keep some semblance of life away from the blog. At the same time, it also forces you to pay more attention to your life; you never know what what make a good story and you photograph absolutely everything.
- The blogging community is awesome, or as my son would say, tepic (totally epic). Every single person that I have come into contact with since I started this journey has been so welcoming and so helpful.
- I need to spend more time writing. The promotion part of blogging takes over and it is so easy to get lost down the rabbit hole of reading other blogs, checking facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest etc, and while I love all of it, I need to set aside time specifically for writing or nothing will ever get done. I have been working on this over the past few weeks and I am getting there slowly but surely.
I’m sure I will remember way more points after I hit publish, but these are the things that really stick out
What I have achieved So far
- I bought, installed and customised a theme that I love and feel represents me.
- I have ‘branded’ my site and pictures etc with the same colours.
- I have almost reached 2000 followers on twitter – well 1,833 at the time of writing this but I think that counts as close – if you want to help get me closer I’ll love you forever 😉
- I have finally set up an email list and created my first subscriber only workbook (if you want to subscribe below I’ll love you forever ever)
- I have had posts chosen as the weeks’ featured post on 7 different linkies.
- I was featured in the Britmums Newbie Round-Up – many thanks to Aby of youbabymemummy.com
- I have bought tickets to my first Blog Conference – BlogOnMSI 2017
- I have overcome my fears and ‘put myself out there’
- I’m starting to get to grips with Pinterest and have just applied for rich pins (feel free to follow me on Pinterest and get pin happy on any of my posts – see how well I’m doing at the self-promotion thing!)
- Perhaps most importantly, if have found me again.
Thank you all for reading my blog over the last 6 months and for all your encouraging comments, it really is greatly appreciated x
Blogging definitely takes over your life! Ive found blogging is a steep learning curve but there is so much great help out there in blogging groups! #KCACOLS
You’re so right, I’m loving it so far x
It’s hard not to get swallowed up by linkys and self promotion, but it helps integrate your blog more into the blogging community. You’ve made some great achievements and should be proud. I though you were blogging for much longer than that! 🙂 #MarvMondays
Baby Isabella recently posted…Valentine’s Day at Home Bargains
Thank you. I think I would get serious withdrawal symptoms if I cut out the linkys!
You’ve done so well in only 6 months! I’m 4 months in, and have done nothing!! Congratulations! #marvmondays
Aww, thank you. You’re blog looks great for only 4 months x
Blogging is a total time suck! I’d completely forgotten how much time it takes up! Welcome to the community. It’s a bit like the Hotel California. You can check out anytime you like, but you never really leave. 😉 #MarvMondays
Ha ha, that’s brilliant. I’m going to be singing that in my head all day now x
Great post. I have been blogging for a year or so. Its great to be able to off load and share. Find it very therapeutic. Like you have found a great supportive community. Thanks for sharing!
It’s definitely great therapy, the community is so supportive.
OMG is tepic actually a word? That’s hilarious! Well I think you have done extremely well over the last 6 months! I think your blog looks great and I enjoy your writing. Keep up the good work and I’m sure you achieve everything you want to with it. But at the very least I am glad you have found yourself again, that is the most important thing (for me anyway).
Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday.
Thank you. Tepic is just a word my son made up, but he’s very proud of it so it gets used a lot around this house 😂
Congratulations on your first six months. You’ve done brilliantly. Blogging really does take over everything. I really need to learn to organise my time more because like you said, sometimes I don’t have time for the writing, and that’s what blogging is all about.. Well done. #marvmondays
Thank you, it’s a balancing act that’s for sure but I’m really enjoying it x
Firstly, happy 6 month blogging!! You’ve done fantastically well in your first 6 months lovely. I love your theme layout too. A few of my favourite colours! #MarvMondays
Aww, thank you x
Congrats on your 6 months! #DreamTeam
Heather Keet recently posted…The ducks want their lips back…
Thank you x
Aaah congratulations! It’s amazing how quickly time flies when you’re having fun! Pinterest is my next move I think! #DreamTeam
Lucy At Home recently posted…Easy Peasy Party Bunting In 3 Quick Steps
Thank you, I’m getting there slowly x
Well done! I agree with you about the blogging community being amazing and blogging taking up so much time. I could do this all day if I let myself! #DreamTeam
Thank you. It’s like an addiction isn’t it?
That’s awesome for just the first six months! Pat on the back to you! Blogging does help us ‘find’ ourselves again, and discover the extraordinary in the ordinary day-to-day stuff. Completely agree with you on that one!
Aww, thank you. I’m pretty pleased with how it’s going so far x
Wow you’ve achieved so much in your first 6 months. I’ve yet to buy a theme and own my piece of the internet. #GlobalBlogging
Helena recently posted…The Siblings Project {January}
Thank you, I’m getting there x
Well done so far! I am just getting started and have a long way to go, but it’s really encouraging to see how far you have come in only 6 months #coolmumclub
Thank you, it’s taken some work but I’m loving it x
Aha you are a first learner then! We have sucked you into the blogging vortex and there’s no escaping now! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely xoxo
Ha ha, there certainly isn’t!
WOOOHOOOO!!!! Happy 6 month anniversary!!! I feel I’ve been there from the start (sort of!) as I started about the same time as you and have achieved NOWHERE near as much as you so huge well done:):):)!! You should be very proud of yourself mama!
I might have to pick your brains and how to grow the soc media side and also get those poppy up boxes – the IT side of things is befuddling me!!! #coolmumclub
Thank you. And are you serious? Your blog is amazing! To be honest I’m kind of winging it on the tech side but if there’s anything you want to know just drop me an email, happy to help (if I can 😬) x
Happy half a birthday Alana! You’ve achieved so much already I can’t believe it’s only been 6 months? Here’s to the next 6! Thanks for linking with #DreamTeam x
ps: I’m totally borrowing “tepic”! 😉
Rhyming with Wine recently posted…The rise and fall of Supermum.
Thank you. It’s a great word isn’t it? I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff but it’s stuck around here x
Happy half birthday to your blog!! You’ve done amazing well in just 6 months. I’m nearly 2 years in and I’m just about to purchase my first theme and I’m pretty terrified..6months in I didn’t know what a theme was haha xx #marvmondays
Wendy recently posted…Mental health after pregnancy – it is time I came clean
Thank you, I agonised over purchasing a theme for ages as I’d tried maybe 50 free ones that looked great but then I couldn’t get them to look right. So glad I did it though as it completely changed how I felt about my blog x
Well done lovely – it can so take over your life if you let it. It is definitely a learning curve!! I will pop over and check I am following you on Twitter although I am sure I will be! #fabfridaypost #dreamteam
Thank you, it certainly is, but so much fun x
Wow you have achieved so much in six months! And learned so much too! Blogging is such a learning curve, I learned so much in that first year, and now, almost two years in, I feel as though I am still learning every day! Happy half blogiversary! #fabfridaypost
five little doves recently posted…A letter to myself on my 17th birthday
Thank you. I don’t think the learning will ever stop. It seems the more I learn, the more things I discover that I need to learn about and the list just gets bigger and bigger x
Well done! I’ve been blogging about the same as you and have pretty similar experiences (I haven’t set up email list yet, but it’s on my checklist for February;). It’s really fun and I absolutely love it! For me Aby is the one I turn to, wheather it’s for motivation, blogging questions or inspiration. I love her! #coolmumclub
Aby is like the Goddess of blogging, I have learnt so much from her. Good luck with the email list x
Congratulations on 6 months of blogging! You have achieved so much in such a short time!
I agree with your points, the social media side of things is much more time consuming than I expected, but blogging is very rewarding and a great mental/ creative outlet! #FabFridayPost
Meals and Makes recently posted…Potato and onion oven bake
Thank you. It really is, I’m loving every minute of it x
Wow, well done you, you’ve managed a lot in 6 months! And I now feel like I should start using the word ‘tepic’! x #TheList
Madeline (this Glorious Life) recently posted…Liked and loved – January 2017
Thank you. It’s a good one isn’t it? He was very proud of himself for coming up with it and now we can’t stop saying it x
Well done on 6 months blogging. You’ve achieved so much already. I look forward to seeing what the next 6 months brings you X #KCACOLS
Laura – dear bear and beany recently posted…Liked and Loved for January 2017…
Thank you, me too x
What a great update! I totally agree that blogging can take over. It’s hard to make that time for writing when all it feels like you’re doing is social media! I’m coming up on one year (in April!) and I’m thinking about doing a “one year in” type post. I like how you laid out this one!
Jessica – A Modern Mom’s Life recently posted…6 Simple Ways To Get Your Kids Doing Chores
Thank you, it’s definitely a juggling act. Congratulations in advance for April. I look forward to reading your post if you decide to do it x
Wow, so many amazing achievements, Alana – you should be so proud! I can sense a new post ‘How I’ve achieved 2,000 twitter followers in 6 months’ coming along 🙂 I’d definitely read it!! 🙂 I’ve been blogging for about 5-6 months and still have such a long way to go! Time is definitely against me as I only grab a couple of hours in the evening when the kids go to bed. Those who don’t blog just don’t realise how time-consuming blogging is, do they? xx #FabFridayPost
Alex @ That Butterfly Effect recently posted…My Happy Days #6
Ha ha, that’s so weird, I just checked twitter before opening this message and I’ve just hit 2,000 followers! ���?. And now you’ve just given me an idea for post, bonus 😘. No one understands the hours involved until they do it for themselves that’s for sure x
I really want to go to Blog On, hoping I can make the September one! Some fab achievements here and I love your theme:) #coolmumclub
Thank you, I’m really nervous but also excited. The tickets for the September one go on sale tomorrow (1st Feb) x
Well done on all of your achievements. I am sure the list will be even longer when you hit 1 year x
Ali Duke recently posted…The Magic of Friendship
Thank you x
Happy Half Blogversary! Wow! I can’t believe you have just been blogging for only 6 months! You have accomplished so much already! It’s Amazing! Congratulations! Have fun at BlogOnMSI 2017! I have never been to that conference before – neither I have been to Manchester. I look forward to reading all about it. Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost xx
Su {Ethan & Evelyn} recently posted…#FabFridayPost January 2017 Round Up
Thank you, so excited about BlogOn x
Glad you’re getting along so well with blogging. Happy six months bloggaversary. #kcacols
Thank you x
Congratulations! Those are some impressive achievements! I agree with you though, we get so caught up on the social media side that we forget to make time to write. That has been a huge learning curve for me! Thanks for sharing! #globalblogging
Thank you, it’s a steep learning curve that’s for sure x
I like that most of your achievements don’t include numbers!
Emma Tustian recently posted…School Days – football conversion and PDSA
Thank you x
I love your last point – that is the true point of blogging! #thelistlinky
Crummy Mummy recently posted…The only 10 things you need in your hospital bag
Thank you, it really is x
I love posts like these! Wow you’ve done so well in 6 months. For me the best thing is finding my sense of self again too. I am also going to Blog On and would love to meet up if you have time (in a non stalker way!) xx #DreamTeam
Susie at This Is Me Now recently posted…Building confidence at toddler gym class
Thank you, it would be great to meet up. I’m so nervous about walking in and not plucking up the courage to talk to anyone!
Tepic…my lord I am old! I totally get what you mean about it going both really quickly but then you learn so much, I am still learning everyday and am still getting to grips with things I have been meaning to do since I started! You have acheived so much lovely I hope you are proud of yourself xx #TheListLinky