Each week we change the words/quote/saying that we are displaying on the noticeboard in our kitchen; these are the words we try to live by individually and as a family that week. Some weeks may focus on lifting our mood, others may be about motivation or attitude to life; something that speaks to us on some level and that we can directly apply to our lives. Changing the words each week stops them from becoming just another thing you walk past without really seeing, it keeps things fresh and stops them losing their power. This series is where I share those words with you in the hope they may help you and your family too. If you a new to the series and want to learn more, you can read the first post here, or check out the Words To Live By tab in the top menu.
Without further ado, this weeks words are:
There have been a few occasions this week (and thousands in my lifetime) when my husband told me to stop overthinking. I have a way overanalysing everything to such a degree that I get myself all worked up over nothing. One example was reorganising one of our pull-out larders. In my head it was a huge job that I needed to make time for and then I needed to work out what layout would work best when putting everything back in. It’s a job I have been wanting to get done for months but never started. We were talking about it the other day and he uttered those words. Instead of brushing him off I decided he was right and there and then I pulled everything out of the larder, throwing all the out of date packets in the bin and piling the rest on the floor at my feet. Once half of it was thrown away I could actually see what we had and putting it all back in in some sort of order was actually really simple. The whole thing took me 15 minutes! Months and months of putting it off and in 15 measly minutes it was done.
“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” Bruce Lee
“If you keep thinking about what you want to do or what you hope will happen, you don’t do it, and it won’t happen.” Desiderius Erasmus
When it came to writing today’s post I had an entirely different set of words lined up. In fact, I had about 3-4 different ideas for what this weeks words should be and have been thinking about them all morning, unable to decide which to go with. I would start writing out one and then not feel I was doing it justice and change to something else. About an hour in those words appeared in my head; stop overthinking. It was like a lightbulb moment. Those are the words I need to live by this week.
“Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.” Ray Bradbury
Before I had chance to overthink things again and start to question myself, I opened up this document and started typing.(quotes added later)
“Don’t get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and overthinking leads to problems that don’t even exist in the first place.” Jayson Engay
So, we’ve established that I’m good at overthinking mundane tasks and my writing, but I’m also good at overthinking other areas of my life too (I’m talented, I know). Here is is a list of just some of the stuff that I can overthink on a regular basis:
- What to wear – seriously, why? Most of the time I’m just sat in the house with a toddler, but I can still stare into the wardrobe for a good 15 minutes mentally discarding outfits. Even more ridiculous when I pretty much live in jeans with either a vest/t-shirt and hoody or a jumper, not exactly making any style statements!
- What to eat – breakfast is always easy, I love my cereal, everything else and it’s like my brain implodes. It doesn’t help that I’m vegetarian and no-one else in the house is, and both the kids are fussy eaters, so trying to please everyone is almost impossible. I can spend so long staring into the fridge that I end up running out of time and my options are immediately limited to things I can cook in 30 minutes. I even overthink what to choose when we eat out, and being vegetarian there are usually only two options to choose from anyway.
- Where to go on a day out – I can really overthink every tiny detail when it comes to going anywhere, but when we do finally get out the door you can guarantee I will have forgotten to pack some highly important item, like nappies, or baby wipes, or suncream, or my purse! Thankfully I haven’t forgotten one of the kids yet, but I fear it’s only a matter of time 😉
- How to decorate L’s bedroom – poor girl has had her new bed in there for three weeks now and I still haven’t decided how I’m going to decorate it. I must have looked at thousands of beautiful wall stickers but I can’t seem to make a decision because with every single one I overthink everything; will she like it in a years time, is it too girly, is it not girly enough, is it too big, is it too small, it seems too cheap will it be crap, it seems too expensive it can’t be that much better – you get the picture.
- What did he/she mean by that? – a throw away comment that meant nothing at all at the time can pop back into my head and I can over analyse it to death wondering if they meant something else rather than taking it at face value.
- Is my blog any good? Is anyone even reading? – I am getting so many amazing comments at the minute that people clearly are reading it, but it still doesn’t stop me overthinking it.
To be honest I could go on and on but I think you get the idea and I am fairly certain that I am not the only one guilty of all this useless overthinking (please tell me I’m not!). So, this week I am going to make a concerted effort to stop. I am going to just get on and do.
To round off the post and get you inspired to join me in this weeks challenge I have found lots of great quotes that say all of this way better than I ever could.
“Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.” English Proverb
“My father taught me not to overthink things, that nothing will ever be perfect, so just keep moving and do your best.” Scott Eastwood
“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” William Shakespeare
“The more you overthink the less you will understand.” Habeeb Akande
“Too much overthinking leads to paralysis by analysis. It’s important to think things through, but many use thinking as a means of avoiding action.” Robert Herjavec
“The sharpest minds often ruin their lives by overthinking the next step, while the dull win the race with eyes closed.” Bethany Brookbank
“To think too much is a disease.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking.” Eckhart Tolle
“Stop thinking, and end your problems.” Lao Tzu
Are you an overthinker? Let me know in the comments below.
Have a great week x
So true. I also waste time thinking of ridiculous answers and every eventuality sometimes. Great post. #marvmondays
Thank you. I’m sure we all do it at some point x
I love this. I am always, always overthinking everything as a part of my anxiety and it can be so silly. Especially when it comes to something so self concious. I agree, we should stop thinking about things and just do things. #MarvMondays
Thank you. I think we all do it to some extent, hopefully we can make an effort to stop this week x
I think everyone is guilty of overthinking and I’m certainly guilty of that where my blog is concerned. Thanks for the reminder to just go for something. I love your quotes especially the last one ‘Stop thinking, and end your problems.’ #mg
Sue recently posted…Easy DIY Budget Gift ideas for the Festive Season
Thank you, that one really resonated with me too x
I love the idea of different words to live by each week. I choose a yearly word, but often forget about it. Will be trying weekly affirmations from now on.
Thank you, if I don’t change it regularly I forget about it completely and it loses its impact. Hope it works for you too x
“To think too much is a disease.��? Fyodor Dostoyevsky Oh how very, very true. This resonates well with me. I try hard to stay present now and not overthink. It is possible to change, if you want to! #mg xo
I certainly hope so, I’m a work in progress for sure x
Oh so much! I procrastinate like mad until I’ve blown things up to seem huge. Then when I just do it, it’s nothing! I have the same problem, only veggie in the house. I hate mealtimes!! Thank you so much for being a part of the #bigpinklink it’s great to have you with us!
Louise Pink Pear Bear recently posted…Big Pink Link 41
Ha ha, glad I’m not the only one! X
I used to massively overthink and over analyse. I think over the past few years Ive realised its a bit pointless worrying about what ifs. My bestfriend is awful for it though and recently single and starting the dating game so I always hear but he hasnt text, yet hes been on whatsapp, what if….!! Easier said than done but we all need to worry less!! #bestandworst
Oh the dating game, so glad I don’t have that to over analyse, I’d be a neurotic mess!
I think it is something we are all guilty of sometimes but it is good you are aware and trying to not do it!! My Mum was told once to allocate a set period of time a day to “worrying/thinking” and for the rest of the day don’t! Hard though and needs practice. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst
Sarah Howe @runjumpscrap recently posted…Best and Worst Week #75
I’m getting there I think, just have to keep reminding myself when I start going down the rabbit hole!
I completely agree. Overthinking never brings anything good. I love “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it…” So true, if we only knew how easy it would be to follow our instict. But unfortunatelly we often don’t hear our intuition anymore…
So true, we definitely need to start trusting ourselves more x
This is lovely. I am definitely an overthinker. Thank you for reminding me not to be. I will definitely remember these words and fab quotes next time I am overthinking things.
Sam – StressyMama recently posted…It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Thank you, it’s good to know I’m not the only one x
I am terrible for this. I constantly think about everything. Meanwhile the hubby’s head hits the pillow and he’s snoring. Leaving me between a snoring baby and husband wondering if they’re both ok…clearly are when they’re asleep and I’m counting sheep! #familyfun
I used to be a complete insomniac because I couldn’t switch my brain of but after my second child I somehow developed the ability to fall asleep in seconds, long may it last!
Overthinking is definitely something to try to avoid – somehow it makes problems seem bigger and makes you put off things. I can certainly relate to standing looking in the fridge, trying to decide what to have for dinner instead of just getting on and making it! Good luck with your challenge to stop overthinking and just get on and do 🙂
Thank you, I think we all do it to an extent but hopefully I can stop myself x
I have to say since becoming a mum I over think a lot less – my brain doesn’t have the capacity anymore to deal with worrying, so I deal with it there and then and then whatever happens, happens. My husband however needs to remember tone not overthink a lot of the time so I am going to send him this to read #MarvMondays
Ha ha, hope he likes it x
Guilty as charged!! I am a serial overthinker! I love these quotes they’re fantastic. I think overthinking is more common than we realise. I wish I could be more relaxed. I probably spend too much time thinking about how I overthink too much – the irony!! #dreamteam
Jaki recently posted…A Touch Of Kindness – Wednesday Wisdom 6
Ha ha, yes, me too! X
Massive massive massive over-thinker here! In fact my hubby actually prods me and says “You’ve gone into screen-saver mode.” because I can often be so busy spiralling around nonsense in my head that I am no longer on the planet! I loved this quote: “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking.��? Eckhart Tolle. I’m going to adopt it as my new mantra. Brilliant – I love this series x #DreamTeam
Ha ha, screen saver mode is so accurate! I go into that state pretty frequently too. It’s true that thoughts are powerful things, for good and bad x
Oh I over think everything! Its a nightmare and I am sure it is one of my biggest flaws. It can make me over sensitive, second guess everything and actually stop me getting things done. I definitely need these words written all over my walls! Thanks for sharing at #FamilyFun xx
tammymum recently posted…Is your car road ready this winter?
I’m so glad I’m not alone, it seems pretty common. Hopefully we can all kick the habit x
This is really an inspiring series! I’m a worrier by nature and tend to overthink things. Those first few months of motherhood worry over and overthinking if the boy was okay was mental! Loads of lovely quotes!! Thanks for linking up to #familyfun
Karen | TwoTinyHands recently posted…A Walk up Potters Tarn – Stavely
Thank you. I don’t think we’ll ever stop worrying about our kids but I’m hoping to get a little perspective on the overthinking x
You could have written this just for me – I’m a terrible overthinker! I’m a singer, and it affected my singing massively – instead of just trusting myself to sing, I’d be listening to the sound, criticising it in my head, and trying to make tiny adjustments to it. When I trusted that I’d already put the work in technically to get to that point and just connected with the emotion, the sound was always so much freer and so much better anyway. Try less was the key for me! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove
Katy – Hot Pink Wellingtons recently posted…#SharingtheBlogLove #22
This is so so true and something I have to work continually on…. overthinking usually leads to negative thoughts. I find mindfulness really help that. #PicknMix
Back again from #FabFridayPost cus linkies are just so fun! he he he
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