Monthly Bucket List September 2016

I created my first monthly bucket list last month and I found it really useful. As you’ll see below I didn’t quite complete everything on the list (it was a BIG list) but I did find that if I started to put something off the very fact that I had published this list prompted me to get on with it. Being such a success I will be doing it again for September. I’ll do a quick run-through of how I got on last month followed by this month’s list.

August Round-Up


  • At least two planned outings each week during the holidays, including Fountains Abbey in Ripon, Beamish, Lowther Castle, South Lakes Safari Zoo, Preston Park and Butterfly World, and two as yet undetermined trips. Yes to all except Preston Park and Butterfly World which will be done this weekend. We also visited Hamsterley Forrest, Hardwick Park and Binchester Roman Fort. Check out the ‘Days Out’ tab above to find out how we got on. (Lowther Castle, and Binchester posts to go up next week)
  • Take the kids to choose some more fish for the back fish tank. We are slowly stocking it up with Malawi Cichlids. Done
  • Picnic in the garden whenever we get the chance. Only managed once, the weather has been so bad this month that every day it wasn’t raining we headed out.
  • Have a baking session with M. Done, he helped me bake L’s birthday cake.
  • Take M to buy new school trousers and a new school bag. Done (totally last minute, did it yesterday!)
  • Celebrate L’s 2nd Birthday! Where did that time go?!!! Done, time is going far too fast!


  • Have a toy clear-out before L’s birthday. Never did get round to this so now we are overflowing!
  • Sort out old kids clothes for charity. Done.
  • Paint the outside of the patio doors and the kitchen windowsill. Nope. Went to do it this afternoon only to discover we don’t have enough paint, oops!
  • Finish oiling the decking. Done.


  • Set up a Facebook page. Done, but I haven’t actually posted anything on it yet.
  • Work out a blogging schedule. Nope, still need to work on this one.
  • Make a list of all the things I want/need to learn for my blog and start making my way through it. Ongoing. Everything I learn seems to add ten more things to the list!


  • Start exercising again (who am I kidding, it’s the school holidays!). Ha ha, we all knew this would be a big fat no.
  • Read at least two books. I used to ready at least two every week but lately I just never seem to have the time. Almost. I’m about 90% of the way through the second one, reviews to follow.
  • Get back to my crochet project which is woefully behind schedule. It’s a very large stormtrooper blanket for the hubby to match the smaller one I already made my son (I’ll wire a post about that soon). I was hoping to have it done by Christmas but as the smaller one took me 4 months and this is twice the size and I’ve barely started and I don’t think I have a hope in hell, but I can try. Big fat fail, I haven’t even touched a crochet hook all month 🙁

September Goals

Last month’s list was a bit full on so I’m going to be a little more conservative this time round.


  • Take the kids to Preston Park and Butterfly World
  • Start taking L to toddler group sessions again.
  • Organise a night away for me and the hubby for next month.


  • Have a toy clear-out.
  • Paint the patio doors and outside kitchen windowsill.
  • Tidy up my own wardrobe


  • Figure out Facebook and start posting.
  • Tidy up Pinterest and add my posts. I’ve used it as a personal site for a couple of years but now I have started blogging I want to tidy it up and use it more professionally.
  • Work out a blogging schedule!


  • This may be laughable but I’m going to add exercise again, you never know!
  • Keep up with reading, at least one book a month.
  • Try to get at least some crochet done.

How about you? How did you get on in August? Did you achieve all you set out to? What are your plans for September?

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42 thoughts on “Monthly Bucket List – September 2016

  1. I like to have goals to keep my mind on track but I haven’t made any in ages as I cant seem to focus on anything and like you say, you do one thing and it adds another 10 to the list! I really must try and write some down as I’m struggling to keep up at the moment! 🙂


    Posted on 1 September, 2016 at 10:47 pm
    1. It can be so hard to keep your focus at times can’t it. I find the hardest part when you have so many things going on is knowing where to start. I find that committing to doing just one thing a day (you often do more when you get going) helps me move forward. Even if you do nothing else that day it’s still one step further forward. Good luck hun x

      Posted on 6 September, 2016 at 10:05 am
  2. So this is a genius idea and I’m not entirely sure why I’ve never done it. It would be great to have some goals to work to!

    Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 9:06 am
    1. Isn’t it? I have the lovely Beth at to thank for the idea as she runs the #monthlybucketlist linky, it’s open all week if you fancy giving it a go, I’ve found it so helpful.

      Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 9:42 am
  3. What a busy month – well done for getting so much of your list done!

    Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 1:45 pm
    1. Thank you, it was definitely full on!

      Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 1:56 pm
  4. What a great idea! I love the thought of putting together some goals for the month. I really miss reading books and actually finishing them. I’ve been reading my current book for weeks now…
    Can’t wait to see your crochet projects. I host a linky called “Crafting is my Therapy” and it’s aimed at busy people like yourself. We’d love to have you involved! We try to encourage people to carve out some ‘me-time’ and create something each month. I try to embroider a hoop each month, if I can. Hosting the linky has given me a kick up the bum and made me make time for crafting, which is something I enjoy, but rarely reserve time for…
    I found your post via #TheList
    Me, You and Magoo recently posted…Review Post: crafting with Posca PensMy Profile

    Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 1:54 pm
    1. Thank you, I really enjoyed getting back to reading. The first book took me most of the month but the second only 4/5 days so must have got back into the swing of it! Your linky sounds great, such a good idea. It might be just what I need to get the crochet back on track, I’ll be sure to check it out x

      Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 1:59 pm
  5. All those places you mentioned… Are you a Teesside girl? I am originally from Middlesbrough. I really admire you for setting goals, I am rubbish with this and just go with the flow! Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉
    An imperfect mum (Catie) recently posted…A Blogging Good Time #14My Profile

    Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 3:46 pm
    1. Ha ha, not quite, but very close, I’m in County Durham. I’m the most disorganised person in the world so the goal setting is my attempt to do something about it!

      Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 7:42 pm
  6. I like how you have written things down. I probably should do that! Ha! Working out is on mine too! Maybe we can help motivate each other!
    Becky recently posted…Fabulous Friday FavoritesMy Profile

    Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 7:31 pm
    1. Exercise has been on my to do list for years and sometimes I even get started, never seems to last more than a month or two though!

      Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 7:44 pm
  7. I love the idea of monthly bucket list! It looks like you have had a really busy month!
    Good luck for your September goals.
    Kim Carberry recently posted…The best week. #WotWMy Profile

    Posted on 2 September, 2016 at 11:55 pm
    1. Thank you, it has been a bit manic!

      Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 7:01 am
  8. I think you’re brave / smart to have a monthly bucket list! I love that you don’t just include the chores but the fun stuff like visits & trips out.
    Looks like you have your hands full! Good luck and enjoy

    Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 12:12 am
    1. Thank you, if I don’t write it down it doesn’t get done so this is my attempt to be more productive but also keep some balance.

      Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 7:04 am
  9. your crochet project sounds awesome! I so want to see that when it is done! #brilliantblogposts
    Emma recently posted…The Cove – Start of Dolphin Hunting SeasonMy Profile

    Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 4:16 am
    1. Thank you, at this rate it could a few years! I’ll have to post a picture of the one I made for my son.

      Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 7:05 am
  10. I love the way you’ve balanced fun stuff with work/home chores. I’ve not done a monthly bucket list before, but I’m now inspired. #brillblogposts

    Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 12:55 pm
    1. Thank you, I hadn’t either till I stumbled across Beth’s ( fabulous linky (#monthlybucketlist). I’ve found it so helpful. Let me know if you decide to give it a go x

      Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 12:58 pm
  11. Wow, you got through a lot in August! It sounds like such a busy but fun month! I think the family stuff should always take priority in the holidays – the rest can be put off! Although you got through a lot of that too! Best of luck with the September list! Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove
    Katy – Hot Pink Wellingtons recently posted…#SharingtheBlogLove #10My Profile

    Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 6:08 pm
    1. Thank you, it was a bit manic but we had fun. Hopefully things will settle down this month, although I’ve already thought of a ton of things I didn’t add to the list!

      Posted on 3 September, 2016 at 6:24 pm
  12. Some awesome goals. I need to get back into a fitness routine so desperately! #sharingthebloglove
    Kat recently posted…Sisterhood of the World Bloggers TagMy Profile

    Posted on 4 September, 2016 at 7:48 am
    1. Thanks, hopefully declaring it publicly will give me the kick up the butt I need!

      Posted on 4 September, 2016 at 8:00 am
  13. I’ve always been a list maker and your post has reminded me to make a schedule for blogging. Thank you!!! #ablogginggoodtime

    Posted on 4 September, 2016 at 7:29 pm
    1. Me too, glad I could help x

      Posted on 4 September, 2016 at 8:19 pm
  14. Such a great idea. I will definitely add toy clear out to mine. I swear those things are breeding. Am with you on the Facebook thing – I have a page but don’t really know what to do with it ! #ablogginggoodtime

    Posted on 5 September, 2016 at 8:17 pm
    1. Glad I’m not the only one then! x

      Posted on 5 September, 2016 at 8:24 pm
  15. I love the idea of a bucket list! Your August sounds like it was busy like mine! It’s definitely a time where family time takes up more time and I love it. Everything else can wait. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove X

    Posted on 6 September, 2016 at 3:06 pm
    1. Thank you. Summer holidays can be busy and stressful but also full of fun and great memories x

      Posted on 6 September, 2016 at 3:15 pm
  16. Such a good idea to have a bucket list! I must do this, you’ve inspired me! Although I’d have to keep my list very small to avoid being demoralised when I don’t get round to doing half of it – ha ha! Great to have the motivation to go out and have fun and to get jobs done too. x
    Rosie @ Little Fish recently posted…How to Lose the Pacifier (for good!)My Profile

    Posted on 6 September, 2016 at 6:48 pm
    1. That is always the danger of putting too much on. I’ve remembered so many more things to do and nearly came back and edited the post to add more but stopped myself for that very reason. I need to be at least slightly realistic with myself!

      Posted on 6 September, 2016 at 8:09 pm
  17. love the idea of a list – I’m a bit of a list maker. Good luck with the exercise, I’m sure it’ll come at some point 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

    Posted on 7 September, 2016 at 7:26 pm
    1. Ha ha, thank you. Fingers crossed I find some motivation somewhere!

      Posted on 7 September, 2016 at 8:04 pm
  18. Well done and good luck with your goals. I always find that with blogging, always something to learn. Thanks for linking to #picknmix

    Posted on 8 September, 2016 at 8:42 pm
    1. Thank you, I don’t think we can ever know it all x

      Posted on 8 September, 2016 at 8:51 pm
  19. I think it’s a great plan to have goals, lists are wonderful things aren’t they?!
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo
    Morgan Prince recently posted…Cute anniversary gifts your Hubby will loveMy Profile

    Posted on 10 September, 2016 at 6:22 pm
    1. They really are, I’m a little bit obsessed x

      Posted on 10 September, 2016 at 7:03 pm
  20. Good luck with your goals for this month! Ah man, Preston park, I used to love it there when I was little. Not such a fan of the butterfly house though, I’m bloody terrified of butterflies! Used to love Beamish too, always a lovely day out. Hope you get your night away organised, sounds lovely!
    BloggerMummyLauren recently posted…But What Did We Do Before The Internet?My Profile

    Posted on 13 September, 2016 at 1:36 pm
    1. Thank you. My mum is terrified of moths and generally anything fluttering in her face but she agreed to go once when my son asked her. She was terrified at first but once she in there she was like a little kid in complete awe. She’s been with us a few times now. I’ve just this second booked our night away, with one slight change of plan, it’s now two nights!!! Very excited

      Posted on 13 September, 2016 at 1:48 pm
  21. I have never had a blogging schedule and have been blogging almost 3 years ooops! Hope you managed to get to visit the Butterfly farm, it sounds awesome. Glad the bucketlist idea helped and Thanks so much for linking up again xx
    Beth @ Twinderelmo recently posted…Dining Room TablesMy Profile

    Posted on 22 September, 2016 at 12:17 pm
    1. The bucket list idea is great, it’s helping me so much. I still haven’t sorted out a schedule as life seems to keep getting in the way and changing things. We did get to Butterfly World though and it was fantastic, you can find it under the ‘Days Out’ tab up at the top if you fancy a look x

      Posted on 22 September, 2016 at 1:14 pm